Considerations on Methods used for Determination the Hydraulic Conductivity of Soil
Tomme: 62 (66) Fascicle: 1 | 2016
Pages: 73-84
Abstract text:
Research influence of hydraulic conductivity plays a very important role in water and various substances transport, marking a great extent in all areas, we highlight just a few of them such as hydrological, pedological, geotehinic etc.. The content of this article was strictly reserved for studying the methods and technologies used in the determination and measuring of the hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated and saturated soils. For this purpose in the last decades there have been developed and improved a wide range of technologies with applicability both in field and laboratory, which ultimately proved their usefulness in predicting and analyzing the physical properties that are considered very important when modeling the water transport and various substances in the unsaturated and saturated zones.
Key Words:
methods; determinination; hydraulic conductivity
Author(s) Information
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