Behavior of Metal Expansion Anchors and Bonded Anchors in Reinforced Non-Cracked and Compressed Concrete
Tomme: 62 (66) Fascicle: 1 | 2016
Pages: 47-60
Abstract text:
An experimental study on the metal expansion and bond anchors behavior post-installed in non-cracked and compressed concrete specimen tested to pull-off is presented. The tests were realized initially on a concrete specimen in inert state of tension and then on another specimen in continuous state of compression in one direction. Mechanical anchors used are the type of bolt anchor or sleeve expansive and the bond anchors are the type with resin glass capsule system of two components. The mechanical and bonded anchors are depicted by the anchors strength, displacement of the loaded end at the control and failure load and also by the failure mode of anchors and the specimens. The pull-out tests were performed according with the European standards. The results obtained on mechanical and bonded anchors show the influence of reinforced specimen state on anchors load capacity and displacements before load end failure, and failure mode of anchors and specimens.
Key Words:
bolt anchor; sleeve expansive; bond anchor; non-cracked concrete; compressed concrete
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