Laboratory Methods Used to Assess the Mechanical Properties of Soft Soils Improved by Deep Mixing
Tomme: LXI (LXV) Fascicle: 4 | 2015
Pages: 165-178
Abstract text:
In ground improvement projects by deep mixing, the laboratory experimental program is an important stage by which, the suitable binder and quantity are chosen and geotechnical performances of improved soil are evaluated. In current practice, the design process of lime-cement columns is mainly based on unconfined compressive strength and the corresponding secant Young modulus evaluated by unconfined compression tests. In this paper, the main laboratory methods used to assess the mechanical properties of improved soil mixed with lime and cement in deep mixing are reviewed. Laboratory preparation of the samples and testing procedures for unconfined compression tests, triaxial tests and oedometer tests are presented. In addition, some experimental results of tests conducted on soft soils mixed with lime and cement are analyzed and commented.
Key Words:
dry soil mixing; lime-cement-soil mixture; unconfined compressive strength, shear strength
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