The Role and the Importance of Real Estate Administration In Romania
Tomme: LXI (LXV) Fascicle: 4 | 2015
Pages: 139-146
Abstract text:
The development of this domain, of real estate administration, appeared as being vitally necessary, due to the fact that, in Romania, private property has the majority as compared to public property. After 1990, together with the appearance of legal regulation, regarding to property, we have witnessed either to the concern of many Romanians with purchasing a private property, or claiming their properties confiscated during the communism period. On the other hand, some private properties have become financial investments for foreign investors, and others, belonging to those who, temporarily or permanently left the country, got into the responsibility of certain facility management services, carried out by specialized individuals or legal persons. These are only a few arguments why we consider the real estate property management services represent a continuously growing area, of increasingly importance. The research of this issue involved references to the legislation into force which regulates this domain, including for those which legislate the right to property purchase.
Key Words:
administration; estate; property; regulation; services.
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