Comparison of the Experimentally Obtained Dynamic Characteristics of a Bridge with Ambiental and Forced Vibrations
Tomme: LXI (LXV) Fascicle: 4 | 2015
Pages: 115-124
Abstract text:
The paper presents a study case performed on a bridge over the Danube, located in Cernavoda, Romania. The tested structure was subjected to several vibrations, resulted from the natural movement of the bridge and from the movement of a truck, a train and an excavator. The monitoring system used to record the in situ data was composed of four seismic transducers positioned in the first span of the bridge. The speed integration and vibration modes identification was performed using ARTeMIS Extractor. Emphasis is placed on analysing the mode shapes and observing the relation between frequency and modal coordinates.
Key Words:
dynamic characteristics; frequency; vibration modes; FDD; MAC.
Author(s) Information
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