Water Absorption of Self Compacting Concrete Containing Different Levels of Fly Ash
Tomme: LXI (LXV) Fascicle: 4 | 2015
Pages: 107-114
Abstract text:
The water absorption of self compacting concrete (SCC) containing different levels of fly ash was investigated in this study. SCC was developed in Japan to enhance the quality of concrete. It’s a new material with a large range of powder and high workability that fill the formwork with dense reinforcement and complicated shapes without vibration. The use of fly ash as mineral admixtures reduce the material cost and increase the fresh and hardened properties of concrete. The water absorption is an essential and important step for the definition of the durability, performance and lifetime of a concrete structure. The results of 20 mixes showed that the water absorption value of SCC is affected by containing fly ash, the cement type and w/b ratio. It tend to enhance with an increase in percentage of fly ash replacement. The compressive stregth for SCC increseased with the decrease of water absorption value.
Key Words:
self compacting concrete; fly ash; water absorption; durability
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