Semi-Rigid Behaviour of Bolted Connections Using Angle Cleats. Part 1. Development of 3-D Finite Element Model
Tomme: LXI (LXV) Fascicle: 4 | 2015
Pages: 53-62
Abstract text:
This paper presents the design process and the results obtained by numerical simulation for a set of beam-column bolted joint using angle cleat elements. The finite element modelling is performed using Abaqus software based on experimental results completed recently. Four different beam-to-column angle cleat connections were considered as in the experimental program. This paper presents numerical models and their results for four beam-column bolted joints using the angle cleat arranged lower, upper and on the web of the element. The aim of this paper is to develop a numerical model calibrated based on laboratory results obtained by other researchers, which further can be studied independent of experimental data, respectively to use this model for performing the parametric studies in order to achieve results and conclusions with high degree of interest in the study of semi-rigid joints behaviour.
Key Words:
finite element analysis; beam-to-column joints; semi-rigid joints; angle cleat; Abaqus
Author(s) Information
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