The C.MAT – the Database for the Construction Materials
Tomme: LXI (LXV) Fascicle: 4 | 2015
Pages: 45-52
Abstract text:
The need of properly organizing the construction activity form both technical and economical point of view is more present today than ever before. As the construction industry can not be separated from the economical part it is mandatory to find a way to merge these elements, thus obtaining a more efficient construction industry. One of the problems that need to be solved is diminishing the gap between the technical consumption of construction materials and the consumption of materials reflected in the accounting of a construction firm. This can not be obtained without a solid and common database that should cover all building materials. The C.MAT database could enabel the companies producing building materials to register all the selling products, using the same coding system, the architects to use it in the estimation rules and thus, the construction companies would be forced to use the same building material as recommended by the architect.
Key Words:
estimate norm; accounting program; construction firms; real consumption
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