for Physical Characterization of Salinated Soil
Tomme: LXI (LXV) Fascicle: 4 | 2015
Pages: 33-44
Abstract text:
This paper had been aiming to analyze salinated soils, of the area Osoi-Moreni from the village Prisacani, Iasi city from physical properties point of view of this salinated soils. For this research we had took soils from two places: the first place are currently cultivated with corn (Zea mays), and the second soil place came from an area of uncultivated, which has not suffered work agricultural about seven years. The methods for analysis of physical characteristics of saline soils are important research for the diagnosis, monitoring and quality control saline soils which are used in agricultural.
Key Words:
saline soil; physical characteristics
Author(s) Information
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