Bahlui River Recreation Area Arrangement
Tomme: LXI (LXV) Fascicle: 4 | 2015
Pages: 23-32
Abstract text:
Bahlui River cross Iasi basically dividing the city in two. The length of water in the city is about 11 km. Following the complex work upstream, Iasi is protected from floods with probability of 1%. A sustainable development of the river for recreational and tourism is further needed. This article presents a consistent and spectacular solution for leisure and tourism development for the central area of Iasi, crossed by the Bahlui River. To achieve constructive solution works crossing, bridge hydraulic calculation method of the normative PD 95-2002 must be improved. The article proposes a method for calculating this correction.
Key Words:
river engineering; bridge hydraulics
Author(s) Information
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