Image Processing Using Artificial Neural Networks
Tomme: LXI (LXV) Fascicle: 4 | 2015
Pages: 9-22
Abstract text:
Image processing using artificial neuronal networks (ANN) has been successfully used in various fields of activity such as geotechnics, civil engineering, mechanics, industrial surveillance, defence department, automatics and transport. Image preprocessing, date reduction, segmentation and recognition are the processes used in managing images with ANN. An image can be represented as a matrix, each element of the matrix containing colour information for a pixel. The matrix is used as input data into the neuronal network. The small dimensions of the images, to easily and quickly help learning, establish the size of the vector and the number of input vectors. The transfer function used is a sigmoidal function. The learning rate includes values between [0,1] and the error it is recommended to be below 0.1.
Key Words:
artificial neuronal networks;digital and satellite images; image preprocessing; date reduction; segmentation; recognition
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