Parametric Study for Seismic Response of Dual Steel Frames with Dissipative Steel Panels
Tomme: LXI (LXV) Fascicle: 3 | 2015
Pages: 61-72
Abstract text:
Present study investigates the parametric response of dual steel frames that consist of steel plate shear walls and moment resisting frames. The parametric study was carried out using a numerical model which was validated against experimental tests. Sap2000 was used to replicate the test results in order to validate the numerical models. The numerical model was applied to conduct incremental dynamic analyses on a 6 story SPSW frame in order to determine its seismic response. In the analysis two types of soil conditions and seven different ground motion records were taken into account. The main objective was to estimate the behaviour factor q, which is used in seismic design of such structures. Summary of investigations and main results will be presented.
Key Words:
dual frames; dissipative panels; nonlinear dynamic analysis; q factor
Author(s) Information
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