Adaptation to Euronorms of the Calculus of Polygonal Hollow Girders
Tomme: LXI (LXV) Fascicle: 3 | 2015
Pages: 47-60
Abstract text:
Polygonal hollow girders (named also castellated girders) represent an alternative for plain girders, mainly in average size spanning where net loads do not have high values and the condition for selecting the section is imposed by observing the requirements related to limit elastic deformations. In the paper, the calculus of polygonal hollow girders is adapted to the European design norms (SR EN 1993-1-1: 2006; SR EN 1993-1-5: 2008). The numerical example shown facilitates the understanding of the calculus base.
Key Words:
polygonal hollow girders; European design norms
Author(s) Information
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