Numerical Analysis of a Steel Wire Mesh Seismic Retrofitting Techniques for Masonry Structures
Tomme: LXI (LXV) Fascicle: 3 | 2015
Pages: 29-46
Abstract text:
This article will present the experimental activities and numerical analysis of an intervention technique efficiency. This technique applies a stainless or zinc coated steel wire mesh (SWM) bonded with epoxy resin to the masonry walls, on one or both sides. Important advantage of this technique may be related to its reversibility - wire mesh fixed with epoxy resin can be removed from the masonry wall by heating the resin layer. Steel wire mesh reinforced masonry walls have a complex behaviour and no analytic procedures for design are available; therefore, advanced numerical models confirmed by extended experimental tests are need. The experimental program is presented together with the finite element model adopted for retrofitted masonry specimens. The numerical model is calibrated according to the contact-less and full-field measurements. The experimental tests, carried-out within the framework of a European research project, have included tests on steel wires, on steel meshes, on 500 by 500 mm retrofitted masonry elements (diagonal tensile tests) and 1500 by 1500 mm masonry walls. The numerical calibration have been made using ABAQUS finite element software. The replacing of simple masonry with an equivalent material with improved behaviour, can be done following the experimental testing results. This kind of approach that considers the retrofitting steel wire mesh as an external reinforcing can really simplify the numerical effort.
Key Words:
masonry; seismic retrofit; finite element; ABAQUS; steel wire mesh
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