Performance Evaluation of Bridges in Iaşi Seismic Area
Tomme: LXI (LXV) Fascicle: 3 | 2015
Pages: 17-28
Abstract text:
This paper presents the theoretical background for modal analysis necessary in performing the dynamic analysis for reinforced concrete bridge structures in seismic regions. In the first part of the paper a brief description of the most important aspects regarding the structural elements and the simplified ways of modeling a reinforced concrete bridge are presented. Modal analysis is used to analyze the responses of a structure under dynamic loadings and it is a widespread approach used in earthquake engineering. The main benefits from modal analysis is that one can determine the natural frequencies, the damping at natural frequencies and the mode shapes at natural frequencies for a given structure. It can also be used as a method of experimental procedure of vibration analysis, where given the response properties, one can predict the models properties and possible degradations in the bridge structure. A case study is presented, where a bridge from Iasi municipality has been investigated using FEM analysis software SAP2000/Bridge, in order to determine its dynamic characteristics. The results have been checked to see if they are in compliance with the requirements of EN 1998-1-2004. It was concluded that using FEM analysis software such as SAP2000/Bridge one can calibrate the computational model of the bridge, using the dynamical characteristics obtained from experimental monitoring and with this knowledge one can establish the presence of a degradation process in the monitored bridge.
Key Words:
simulation; seismic analysis; modal analysis
Author(s) Information
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