Numerical Study on the Hygrothermal Behaviour of Retrofitted Historical Masonry Buildings

Tomme: LXI (LXV) Fascicle: 2 | 2015
Pages: 111-128
Abstract text:
Most of the Romanian buildings built before 1940 are unreinforced masonry structures. These buildings do not satisfy the current provisions regarding structural safety and thermal insulation and require retrofitting works. As some of these buildings contribute to the countrys architectural heritage, the retrofitting solutions must preserve the existing facade. The exterior walls are usually strengthened with concrete jacketing and an internal thermal insulation system is sometimes provided. The internal thermal insulation system may cause moisture accumulation within the wall which can lead to premature deterioration. This paper analyses the hygrothermal behaviour of retrofitted exterior unreinforced masonry walls. Numerical simulations are made for typical existing walls configurations and retrofitting systems. The effect of the thermal insulation on the moisture accumulation within the wall is analysed for three Romanian cities. Comparisons are made with the in-force Romanian and European regulations provisions.
Key Words:
concrete jacketing; thermal insulation; water vapour condensation; saturation pressure; moisture accumulation.

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