The Influence of the Stacking Sequence on Stress and Strain Distributions for Quasi-Isotropic Laminates
Tomme: LXI (LXV) Fascicle: 2 | 2015
Pages: 97-110
Abstract text:
A comparative analysis to study the influence of the stacking sequences for quasi-isotropic laminates subjected to axial in-plane load and bending moment is presented in this paper. Two types of quasi-isotropic composite laminates are chosen: they have identical fibre orientation angles, the same layer thicknesses and the number of plies, but different stacking sequences. The stresses and strains are evaluated for each layer of the laminates and their distributions are plotted on diagrams. Other aspects of quasi-isotropic laminates, based on the Classical Lamination Theory (CLT), such as the complex coupling effects that may occur in laminates are also discussed.
Key Words:
stacking sequence; stress and strain distributions; coupling effects; quasi-isotropic laminate; stiffness matrix.
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