Non-Linear Structural Analysis of Structures that Include Load-Bearing Walls Based on Performance Criteria
Tomme: LXI (LXV) Fascicle: 2 | 2015
Pages: 85-96
Abstract text:
Following the research in the field of static non-linear analysis done in recent years on the “Pushover” analysis method, some improvements and adjustments were made that give the designer more calculation methods than the traditional pushover analysis. The purpose of this study (non-linear static calculation) is to confirm that the design solution is a proper one and if this is the case, also suggest improvements or corrections of the design solution. By using the “pushover” analysis method we can estimate the ductile nature of a load-bearing structure, the method being one that takes into consideration the maximum displacement at the top of a structure which is acted upon by a seismic force at the base. The non-linear static analysis is not used to design the load-bearing structure, but actually to verify the design solutions given by elastic design methods, with the possibility to improve on this solution and thus assisting the designer to reach the performance requirements.
Key Words:
non-linear; pushover; performance; design.
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