A Modern Approach to Tied-Arch Bridge Analysis and Design
Tomme: LXI (LXV) Fascicle: 2 | 2015
Pages: 75-84
Abstract text:
One of the main feature of the arch bridge is the transmission of external forces to arch ends. When arches are situated under the deck, these external forces are transmitted directly to the land, imposing land with high load capacity and high costs of foundations. In order to reduce foundation costs, tied-arch bridges use the deck to take the role as the tension member taking the forces generated in the ends which make this solution more suitable for openings between 70-200 meters distance range where other type of bridges require large sections or other support systems such as stay cables. The general layout of the hangers have been greatly improved with the development of modern computing technology. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the influence of different hanger arrangements using three-dimensional finite element models and the objective was to determine the most suitable solution for a road bridge, with a span of 100 meters, consisting of two inclined steel arches, located on a road with two traffic lanes, subjected to medium traffic.
Key Words:
tied-arch bridge; hangers; efforts; tension.
Author(s) Information
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