Behaviour of Steel Column Base Connections Under Cycling Loading Conditions
Tomme: LXI (LXV) Fascicle: 2 | 2015
Pages: 53-60
Abstract text:
The high complexity of the load transfer mechanism at the steel column base connection yields for special care in both analysis/ design as well as in the actual errection stage of frame steel structures. Describing the real behaviour of the joint represents a key aspect in the overall structural analysis. The fully rigid or fully pinned assumptions on the column base joint behaviour have already been surpassed by more complex approaches in the analysis. As the dissipative capacity assessement is still under debate among specialists, the paper aims at delivering additional data to the problem. Laboratory tests, backed-up by numerical modeling investigations were performed on two natural scale steel columns base connection configurations under cyclic lateral loading conditions. Results of in terms of load - displacement and moment - rotation diagrams are hereinafter advanced for further studies purposes.
Key Words:
steel column; base plate; dissipative capacity; structural behaviour; cyclic loading.
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