Structural and Damage Assessment of an Historical Masonry Church
Tomme: LXI (LXV) Fascicle: 1 | 2015
Pages: 93-104
Abstract text:
In situ investigations and numerical analysis are being increasingly used in the non-destructive evaluation of masonry historical churches taking into considerations that the diagnostic analysis of ancient buildings supposes important challenges from the point of view of its evaluation under field conditions. This paper describes on a study case, the application of non-destructive testing techniques and numerical application with finite element method, in order to asses the structural and damage state of a typical orthodox church. The results of the study reveals that this investigation tools can be used for providing valuable information regarding the evaluation of the current state of the cultural heritage buildings. Moreover, this knowledge of great significance that can be used in the intervention process, resulted with a minimal effect on the structural component analyzed.
Key Words:
historical masonry church; in situ investigations; structural analysis throught FEM.
Author(s) Information
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