Particularities of Platform Wooden Framing Structures
Tomme: LXI (LXV) Fascicle: 1 | 2015
Pages: 87-92
Abstract text:
Platform wooden framing structures were first used in the U.S.A. in the early decades of the XXth century, and due to the advantages that this type of structures imply, they rapidly spread all around Europe, Australia and Japan. So far, as a direct consequence of the lack of national specific technical norms, the platform wooden framing structures that were built in Romania, do not have an adequate technical approach. This paper presents and describes the structural layout and the particularities of the platform wooden framing structures, consisting as a starting point in conceiving a set of national technical norms which will bring under regulation the design and construction of this type of structures.
Key Words:
platform wooden framing structures; structural walls; load-bearing walls; low-weight frames.
Author(s) Information
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