Reducing Thermal Energy Consumption in Existing Buildings
Tomme: LXI (LXV) Fascicle: 1 | 2015
Pages: 35-44
Abstract text:
Climate changes, more evident recently, coupled with geostrategic changes to EU borders recommends member states to step up efforts to acquire energy autonomy in a higher percentage. Therefore, EU is trying to increase energy efficiency in buildings and especially by reducing energy consumption for heating and cooling the inner spaces. Performance levels increase in time for achieving the targets on the resources saving specific of the two major steps in 2020 and 2050. Following the last summit of the UN members emerged a third step for 2030 when the share of energy use from renewable resources must reach 40% of total energy consumption. These goals are unachievable without converting existing buildings into "Passive houses". In this direction, the paper presents an evolution in performance levels for thermal protection, expressed by the minimum required thermal resistance of the envelope elements. It also presents the results of some attempts to bring four residential buildings in Moldavia area of Romania at the "passive house" level of energy efficiency, through additional thermal insulation of envelope elements, without interference with architectural compliance and / or structure of buildings.
Key Words:
buildings; passive house; energy certificate; thermal insulation.
Author(s) Information
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