Failure Mechanisms for Orthodox Churches in Romanian Seismic Areas
Tomme: LX (LXIV) Fascicle: 4 | 2014
Pages: 173-184
Abstract text:
Masonry historical churches were built only with experimental indications from previous constructions and without taking into account the basic principal of structural seismic behavior. Also, given their age, the orthodox churches are prone to damages and partial or global collapse when subjected to horizontal loads. This article studies the construction typologies in relation with their structural sensibilities. Based on damage surveys from previous seismic events and by applying finite element models that simulate the masonry behavior with both solid and surface elements, the typical three-dimensional damage mechanism of the main types of orthodox church structures are to be explained and detailed. This aspects can be crucial in assessing the safety level and choosing the proper retrofitting solutions.
Key Words:
masonry churches; structural sensitivities; three-dimensional damage mechanism.
Author(s) Information
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