Energy Efficiency of Public Buildings Toward NZEB. Possibilities and Constraints
Tomme: LX (LXIV) Fascicle: 4 | 2014
Pages: 163-172
Abstract text:
Energy efficiency is one of the main targets of Europe 2020 Strategy. As buildings account for approximately 40% of final energy consumption, investing in measures in buildings can yield substantial energy savings. In this context, public buildings must be an example for the measures taken in order to decrease the energy consumption. More than that, European Directive 31/2010 states that all new public buildings after 31 December 2018 bust be “nearly zero energy buildings”. This paper presents the possibilities to save energy in some education buildings belonging to the Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi” from Iaşi, by adopting some different additional thermal insulation measures on the envelope elements and photovoltaic panels placed on the opaque areas of external walls and terrace roofs. The results highlights that for existing buildings there are some constraints and the NZEB means a target very difficult to be achieved.
Key Words:
energy efficiency; thermal insulation; nearly zero energy building.
Author(s) Information
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