Total Building Performance and Active House Concept
Tomme: LX (LXIV) Fascicle: 4 | 2014
Pages: 133-140
Abstract text:
The building analysis domain arouse as one of the most fast-pacing development area of interest nowadays. This paper presents the common points for two new way of studies related to building domain, nominated as Total Building Performance- TBP- and Active House Concept. This two concepts are first sharing the subject of analysis: buildings, and continues with methods, interest points, quality criteria, modes of work and, eventually, the final scopes. Although the time of developing for this two concepts differ for three decades- spanned from the eighties until last five years, they are representing different ways of focusing interest on further building quality development. Ecological approach seams to become as stronger as time goes by, to increase in importance especially in last 10 years and it was revealed long time ago and is reevaluated in present. The holistic approach in building analysis develops new work areas as new trends seams to become important for buildings. We are trying to reveal that this two field of work are sharing more that it seams on a first sight and to identify future common ways of integrating the two concepts.
Key Words:
users requirements; space comfort; environment; performance assessment.
Author(s) Information
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