Ground Improvement Technologies. Deep Soil Mixing Methods. Fundamental Aspects
Tomme: LX (LXIV) Fascicle: 4 | 2014
Pages: 123-132
Abstract text:
This paper presents the main theoretical aspects of deep soil mixing technologies. These methods are defined as the processes by which soil is mixed in-situ with stabilizing agents, using special execution equipment. As a result of the interaction of the two components, is obtained a composite soil with superior mechanical characteristics compared to natural ground, thus eliminating the issues of low strength and stiffness, high compressibility, susceptibility to liquefaction, etc. In the paper are presented withal the following: a brief history of the development of deep mixing methods, classification methods, the advantages of their use and the factors that influence technologies performance. The article also details the most commonly used binders and the way how react with certain types of soil.
Key Words:
deep soil mixing; binders; composite soil; soil stabilization.
Author(s) Information
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