Churches Heating: A Choice Between Conservation and Thermal
Tomme: LX (LXIV) Fascicle: 4 | 2014
Pages: 115-122
Abstract text:
In this paper is presented a numerical approach of the indoor climate environment created inside of an Orthodox monastery. In Cetatuia monastery the heating system used in present is with static heaters. The numerical model has the proposes to subject to comparison another heat system: floor heating in order to have a better understanding of the differences between them. Historical buildings and churches constitute a problem because they have enormous volumes and the envelope has a low efficiency. Thus, nowadays, the original use of the church in changing. Where a lot of churches are in need of a major restoration or renovation, adapting the heating system becomes an important point of study. Performance requirements for church heating systems with respect to preservation, energy consumption, thermal comfort and aesthetics are formulated then we have to made the most suitable design of a heating system in a particular monumental church. Simulation models and tools and their application have the start work to ensure the best performance of all equipment’s. The comparative results showed that the existing heating system is inefficient and has a lot of damage for the artworks and the painting inside the church.
Key Words:
heating system; heating system modeling; indoor climate; conservation; underfloor heating; static heating system.
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