Thermal Anaysis of a Ventilated Non-Homogenous Light Wood Frame Wall
Tomme: LX (LXIV) Fascicle: 4 | 2014
Pages: 107-114
Abstract text:
Light wood framed buildings and elements are very popular in the construction of homes in the United States and some parts of Europe but they have been less used in Romania. Therefore there is a few data about their thermal behaviour in thermal conditions of our country and no catalogue of thermal bridges for these type of structures is available. This article presents the thermal analysis of a wood frame wall panel with an exterior ventilated wood cladding from thermal pre-dimensioning to thermal analysis using RDM6 and Fluent 6.3 software. The adjusted thermal resistance has been determined using different methods and obtained results have been compared. The existence of free convection inside the channel has been highlighted in both the warm and cold seasons.
Key Words:
wood frame wall; thermal analysis; ventilated channel; energy efficiency.
Author(s) Information
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