Experimental Determination of Mechanical Properties of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Masonry with Vertical Hollows Confined with Disperse Rein-Forced Concrete
Tomme: LX (LXIV) Fascicle: 4 | 2014
Pages: 87-98
Abstract text:
The present paper aims at finding solutions alternative to the conventionally reinforced masonry, namely by replacing the confination with reinforced concrete columns and girders with vertical and horizontal hollows in the autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) masonry. The voids are filled with disperse steel fibre reinforced concrete. The use of the disperse reinforced concrete in structural masonry walls, in low seismic areas, is seen to allow the replacement of confined or reinforced concrete masonry, erected according to present-day standards. A substantial advantage can be reached, then, in areas where reinforcing transport and shaping is difficult to achieve. In this way, buildings of type P (groundfloor)+1,2 levels will be easier to built. The principles of the present research concern the experimental determination of the mechanical characteristics of masonry sections made from AAC blocks with vertical hollows, confined with disperse reinforced concrete. A comparison was made between findings in the unreinforced concrete sections and masonry sections made with vertical hollows, confined with disperse reinforced concrete; for this purpose, shear, bending and compression strength tests were carried out on both types of sections of masonry and eventually the modulus of elasticity of every form of masonry was determined.
Key Words:
steel fibre; force; unit stress; specific deformation.
Author(s) Information
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