Research on Soil Consolidation Using Consolidation Cell Under Constant Rate of Strain
Tomme: LX (LXIV) Fascicle: 4 | 2014
Pages: 75-86
Abstract text:
Estimation for different building settlements on soils made of clay may require the development of special laboratory tests using different techniques to attempt standard oedometer test. It is often necessary to determine the coefficient of the consolidation in the horizontal direction to the vertical direction normal in conventional tests. Determination of preconsolidation pressure accurately based on data from classical test certain types of clay is often difficult. As a result, a number of special equipment and test procedures have been proposed to achieve these types of tests since from the 60s. In response to this need have been conducted a series of tests using continues cell consolidation from the Department Of Transportation Infrastructure and Foundations. Crawford (1959 and 1964) showed that he used at the tests of consolidation the constant rate of strain (CRS) to accelerate the testing and sample materials under strain rate, which approximates more deformation rates of soil, considered one of the pioneers in this field.
Key Words:
sustainability in construction; energy efficiency; passive house; active house; positive house.
Author(s) Information
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