Theoretical and Numerical Investigation Regarding the Bending Behaviour of Sandwich Plates
Tomme: LX (LXIV) Fascicle: 4 | 2014
Pages: 49-64
Abstract text:
The paper presents a review of the main theories utilized in the bending behavior analysis of inhomogeneous sandwich plates, as well as their limits of application. Seeing how in the current practice, sandwich panels are made from various materials and with great dimensional variety, it is necessary to investigate, both numerically and experimental, in order to adequately establish the bending response parameters of the above mentioned plates. The numerical analysis carried out refer to the maximum transverse deflection of a sandwich panel, with simply supported boundary conditions, and uniformly loaded. The total thickness of the panel remains constant, but the thickness of the extruded polystyrene core and that of the aluminum facings vary. The results obtained through the use of numerical methods (FDM, FEM) are compared with the analytical solutions available in literature. Finally, comments are made related to the design of these types of structures.
Key Words:
plate theories; sandwich composite; governing equations; flexural deflection; numerical methods.
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