Rehabilitation of Masonry Buildings Using Seismic Isolation Systems in the Base – Case Study
Tomme: LX (LXIV) Fascicle: 3 | 2014
Pages: 135-144
Abstract text:
This paper aims to highlight the importance and efficiency of the rehabilitation of old buildings using an alternative to the classic rehabilitation, namely seismic isolation in the base. The method is efficient and will not interfer in the architecture and structure. The case study was conducted on a church that has a brick masonry structure. The structural analysis was pergormed by using SAP2000 soft, as for the study we used rubber bearings with metal inserts. The modeling was performed both for the unconsolidated structure and the proposed variant of consolidation using the rehabilitation method with isolation systems in the base (rubber bearings with metal insertions).
Key Words:
old buildings; rehabilitation; masonry; seismic isolation.
Author(s) Information
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