Experimental Tests on a Precast Concrete Frame Structure Subjected to Lateral Loads
Tomme: LX (LXIV) Fascicle: 3 | 2014
Pages: 109-120
Abstract text:
The precast concrete frames subjected to lateral loads show a very different behaviour in comparison with cast in place ones, due to connection types between beams and columns. For a better understanding of the connections behaviour, experimental tests on real structures have to be performed. The paper presents a simulated seismic load test on a real precast concrete structure, scale 1:3, with two levels and a single opening, applying an incremental lateral load, acting in the longitudinal direction of the frame, in compliance with the testing procedure described by ACI T1.1-01. The tested structure consists of precast columns and beams with semi-rigid connections between them and cast-in-situ slabs at each level. The columns were fully supported at the base and the precast beams were connected with reinforced concrete slabs through the steel stirrups. The structure was subjected to several sequences of increasing displacement controlled cycles until the maximum allowable drift was achieved.
Key Words:
bolted connection; seismic design; semirigid joint.
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