Direct Stresses on Layers of a Sandwich Beam with Foam Core
Tomme: LX (LXIV) Fascicle: 3 | 2014
Pages: 99-108
Abstract text:
The study investigates the variation of direct stresses on layers of a sandwich beam, considering the effect of increasing the thickness and the foam core density. The paper presents the numerical modeling of multi layered sandwich beams, with thin identical steel faces and rigid polyurethane foam core with density of 40, 60, 80 and 100 kg/m3, loaded in bending, in static conditions. Assumptions like linear elastic behavior of the faces and core and also the isotropy of the layers’ materials are accepted in the numerical simulations. The obtained results are centralized in table and the variation of direct stresses are illustrated with suggestive diagrams.
Key Words:
direct stresses; sandwich elements; foam core; numerical modeling.
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