Reinforced Soil Retaining Structures – Domains of Usage
Tomme: LX (LXIV) Fascicle: 3 | 2014
Pages: 89-98
Abstract text:
Reinforced soil is a composite material (soil filling – reinforcement) used for both slope stabilization and retaining structures. The advantages created by the use of these technical solutions – both the economic and technical point of view – regarding the adaptability to the final requirements of the construction work compared with the classical solution, led to an expansion of the use of reinforced soil retaining structures in various fields of construction works (cone quarters and access ramps for bridges, embankments for railways and roads, retaining walls related to transport infrastructure, dams, protective retaining structures).
Key Words:
reinforced soil; reinforced soil retaining wall; retaining structure; reinforced soil structures; road embankments; quarter cone.
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