Simplified Calculation of the Global Thermal Insulation Coefficient
Tomme: LX (LXIV) Fascicle: 3 | 2014
Pages: 67-78
Abstract text:
According to Romanian Norm C107/1-2005, the heating energy consumption per volume is determined using the global coefficient of thermal insulation (G). The calculation requires the determination of the adjusted thermal resistance, R′, using the influence of thermal bridges on the 1D thermal resistance values. When computing G, the most time consuming stage is the determination of linear and punctual heat transfer coefficients, that requires either the use of thermal bridge catalogues (with errors of about 20...25%) or numerical modelling (with a maximum error of ±5%.). Both methods have the disadvantage of requiring more resources, without, however, being free of errors. This paper presents a simplified method for the calculation of the global coefficient of thermal insulation only with the 1D thermal resistances values, without using the linear heat transfer coefficients.
Key Words:
1D thermal resistance; adjusted thermal resistance, thermal bridges, temperature distribution, energy efficiency.
Author(s) Information
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