Analytical Evaluation of the Seismic Vulnerability for Masonry Churches Using the Finite Element Method
Tomme: LX (LXIV) Fascicle: 3 | 2014
Pages: 55-66
Abstract text:
A large part of the built cultural heritage is affected by structural damages which may lead to infrigements of the quality essential requierments of the buildings. Structural analysis contributes to the safety assessment and design of the necessary interventions, therefore accurate results are needed in order to avoid defective rehabilitation solutions. In this paper, three old masonry churches are presented. For each of the latter, the approach consisted in geometrical surveying of the buildings, laboratory testing of masonry samples extracted from the site aiming to determine its mechanical properties, followed by linear static analysis of the structures using a software based on the finite element method (FEM). The effective shear force for each masonry wall was calculated and, afterwards, it has been compared with the capable one, previously analytically evaluated based on the provisions of the active seismic norms. In this way, the seismic safety level of the building has been evaluated. Also, this paper presents some aspects regarding the seismic protection level of this type of buildings, characterized by complex construction typologies. The results of the case studies prove to be usefull tools in classifying the old masonry structures with respect to their seismic safety level, in order to fully comprehend and investigate the seismic vulnerability of the existing built cultural heritage.
Key Words:
cultural heritage buildings, old masonry churches, FEM analysis, seismic safety level.
Author(s) Information
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