Fly Ash Portland Cement Based Mortar for Post-Installed Rebars in Hardened Concrete
Tomme: LX (LXIV) Fascicle: 3 | 2014
Pages: 9-22
Abstract text:
This paper presents a study of performance evaluation of fluid cement-based mortars containing fly ash used as structural bonding material for fixing reinforcing steel bars in hardened concrete. A series of standardized tests were performed during the experimental setup with the objective of assessing the performance of the mortars in terms of fluidity, cohesiveness and early age strength. This experimental work also investigates the strength at 24 hours, 7 and 28 days of the fluid mortars used as bonding material. The bond strength of the rebars at 7 days is assessed by pull-out tests. The study results were positive showing that it is feasible to anchor resistance steel rebars in hardened concrete of low and medium strength.
Key Words:
fly ash; Portland cement; rebars; anchoring mortar; bond; fine sand.
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