A Study Regarding Human Evacuation in the Case of a Fire Originated from Building Designed for Sport Activities
Tomme: LX (LXIV) Fascicle: 2 | 2014
Pages: 155-166
Abstract text:
The aim of this paper is to analyse human evacuation from a building designed for sport activities by means of engineering techniques to approach fire safety. This case study is based on the assumption of starting a fire in a storage room located near the main evacuation route of the building. The spread of smoke and hot gases inside the building was simulated using a Computational Fluid Dynamics model of fire-driven fluid flow. The movement of people was fully coupled with the fire simulation using the Helbing social model to describe the human movement and behavior in case of fire. The European guidelines have been followed for the heat release rate of the fire and for the pre-movement time for humans.
Key Words:
human behavior in the case of a fire; fire safety engineering; numerical simulations; FDS; FDS+EVAC, HRR.
Author(s) Information
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