The Use of Vulnerability, Risk and Seismic Hazard Concepts in Modern Civil Engineering
Tomme: LX (LXIV) Fascicle: 2 | 2014
Pages: 147-154
Abstract text:
During past decades, in many seismically active countries, the need to assess the vulnerability of existing structures is becoming more and more important. Buildings’ seismic vulnerability evaluation appears as an essential tool used to describe the seismic safety of structures, and is a useful component of disaster preparedness, assessment and loss estimation, buildings’ maintenance schedule, etc. It is also an important part of seismic risk reduction. The safety level to a future seismic action corresponds to the vulnerability identified by means of technical assessments. In order to objectively assess the seismic risk, it is necessary to accurately estimate the effects of previous earthquakes and also the behaviour of different structural types, especially for residential buildings. The current paper presents general concepts regarding structural vulnerability and seismic hazard.
Key Words:
vulnerability; risk and seismic hazard.
Author(s) Information
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