Concrete Shrinkage Effect on the Composite Steel–Concrete State of Stresses
Tomme: LX (LXIV) Fascicle: 2 | 2014
Pages: 137-146
Abstract text:
The size of concrete shrinkage deformation depends, similar to creep, upon many factors: concrete composition, concrete quality, water/cement ratio, aggregate nature and grain size, compaction manner, humidity of ambient environment. In the steel–concrete composite structures, the phenomena of creep and shrinkage affect concrete behaviour and lead to shortening in the concrete slab. As concrete is rigidly tied to steel, the shortening is partially stopped and brings about a redistribution of unit stresses inside the section. The redistribution of the stresses leads to concrete unloading and increase in steel stress in the compressed area. The paper presents the mechanism through which shrinkage stresses develop in the case of a simply supported steel–concrete composite girder. The calculation parameters, the specific deformations and modulus of elasticity for concrete at various times since pouring are assessed according to Eurocodes EC2 and EC 4.
Key Words:
composite girders; concrete shrinkage; stresses due to shrinkage.
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