Performance Based Designed – State of the Art
Tomme: LX (LXIV) Fascicle: 2 | 2014
Pages: 113-124
Abstract text:
Natural disasters from the past 20 years lead to significant human and financial losses all around the world. The increased building density and also that of the population, in seismic areas, lead to higher losses along with the aging of the building stack and financial losses in case of business interruption. In order to reduce these losses the performance based design concept was introduced. The main objective of this innovative approach refers to optimizing the design process so that in case of natural disasters, damages are reduced to minimum. The paper presents main characteristics of this concept, some differences with the classical approach and some limitations that could be improved. The performance based design approach is owner oriented.
Key Words:
natural hazard; performance based design; vulnerability.
Author(s) Information
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