Life Cycle Assessment. Methodology and Instruments
Tomme: LX (LXIV) Fascicle: 2 | 2014
Pages: 83-92
Abstract text:
The need to integrate the assessment methodology of environmental impact in the field of constructions too, represents an extremely debatable subject, whose importance is highlighted by the more and more fast increase of the complexity of environmental issues at global level. LCA (life cycle assessment) represents an assessment process of pollution loads on the environment, associated with a product, process or activity. The present paper treats this subject from the perspective of the construction industry, discussing the LCA methodology and highlighting some problems that occur at the level of collecting the data necessary to the analysis. LCA integration within the design process shall allow the optimization of the consumption of energy and materials, necessary both in the building process and in the operational one. Therefore, we also considered purposeful the review of the most important data bases and software instruments that are now present on the market, intended to achieve the LCA.
Key Words:
life cycle assessment; building evaluation tool; environment.
Author(s) Information
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