Ways of Reducing the Impact of Residential Buildings on the Environment
Tomme: LX (LXIV) Fascicle: 2 | 2014
Pages: 51-60
Abstract text:
The major climate changes with extreme phenomena on a global scale have imposed reconsidering the environmental policies and applying requirements for a Sustainable Development. Romania is one of the first countries that approved the Kyoto Protocol. Specific standards which establish the saving of primary energy are useful in new and existing buildings and will be implemented in the near future. At the same time, a series of old buildings, that are structurally and thermally rehabilitated, are already in the stage of implementing the energy consumption diminishing measures. The aim is to decrease the energy dependence on fossil fuels and to reduce the impact on environment, while ensuring an adequate comfort. Large amounts of energy are consumed for heating, in winter, and for cooling or air conditioning, in summer. Beside all, thermal energy is necessary to provide the hot domestic water and electricity for artificial lighting. This paper analyses the effects on residential buildings in the 3rd climate zone areas produced by applying thermal rehabilitation measures for the envelope.
Key Words:
environment; global resistance; thermal insulation.
Author(s) Information
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