Comparative Study on Determining the Internal Friction Angle for Sand
Tomme: LX (LXIV) Fascicle: 2 | 2014
Pages: 19-30
Abstract text:
Shear strength is the main mechanical property which governs the stability and resistance of soil massifs. Practically in most cases failure occurs by concentration of plastic deformations in the form of shear bands along which the movement of a part of the massive develops as a result of exceeding the shear strength. It can be concluded that other failure modes are not possible if one take into account the fact that soil does not have tensile strength and that at hydrostatic compression the stresses transmitted to the soil massive are too small to cause particle crushing. It is also known that the shear strength parameters for soils will vary depending on state of stress and strain. It follows therefore that for each case the specific failure mechanism must be considered and the laboratory tests capable of reproducing these conditions should be selected. These are the reasons for conducting a comparative study regarding the results obtained by three types of tests, namely direct shear, triaxial compression in axial symmetric state of stress and biaxial compression.
Key Words:
shear strength; plane strain; direct shear; triaxial.
Author(s) Information
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