Increase Energy Efficiency and Comfort in Homes by Incorporating Passive Solar Design Features
Tomme: LX (LXIV) Fascicle: 1 | 2014
Pages: 175-186
Abstract text:
Sunlight admitted into a building impacts on the building energy consumption in different ways in different seasons. In summer, excessive solar heat gain results in greater energy consumption due to the increased cooling load requirement. In winter, sunlight reaching the south-facing façade can provide passive solar heating. In all seasons of the year the sun improves daylight quality. Well-designed shading devices can significantly reduce the building peak cooling load and corresponding energy consumption and enhance daylight utilization in buildings. Studies of the impact of shading on annual energy use have demonstrated that shading devices reduce the cooling demand in buildings. Shading has been always recommended for solar control and reduction of heat gain in buildings. There are both interior and exterior shade options which can be used to protect windows not otherwise shaded from the sun. In general it is best to block the sun before it reaches the window. The variety of shading strategies shown in this paper is effective at accomplishing that goal.
Key Words:
passive solar shading; solar control in buildings; shading of the building; passive solar design features; shading of glass.
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