Simulating the Snow Transportation by Wind on a Wide Irregular Roof in Turbulent Layer Wind Tunnel
Tomme: LX (LXIV) Fascicle: 1 | 2014
Pages: 147-164
Abstract text:
The research results presented in this paper was developed in the wind tunnel of the Laboratory of Buildings Aerodynamics of the Civil Engineering and Building Services Faculty from Iaşi and concerns the effects of wind on the snow layer that is deposited on a very large domed roof covering an architectural complex which is situated in an urban complex in Iaşi. The irregular in plane shape and the small curvature of this roof are reasons for believing that snow will gather in large and heavy deposits but also make the evaluation of the wind and snow loading a very difficult task because of the lack of sufficient design data in the current codes for practice for such a particular case. In cases like theses testing in atmospheric boundary layer wind tunnel of the modelled building at reduced scale gives important information. The model is realized at the reduced scale of 1:400, the wind local pressures on the roof were determined with the miniature pressure transducer ZOC 17 and analysed in parallel with numerical simulations with ANSYS CFX. The simulation of snow transportation uses the erosion technique and the material that replaces the snow consists in glass beads of 200...400 mm. The results of the study are encouraging because the analysed parameters offer sufficient accuracy of the modelled phenomenon and it may become a handy tool for both research and a safe structural design.
Key Words:
atmospheric boundary layer wind tunnel; scale modelling; wind pressures; snow transportation.
Author(s) Information
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