Hydrodynamics and Water Quality Aspects of Goleşti, Romania, Reservoir
Tomme: LX (LXIV) Fascicle: 1 | 2014
Pages: 111-122
Abstract text:
Many aquatic ecosystems have become more eutrophic at the present. In this context, several models have been already developed for simulate the behavior of eutrophic ecosystems which involve hydrodynamics, food chain and nutrient cycles. Most of the reservoirs have a complex use allowing the flood attenuation, generation of hydroelectricity, household and industrial water supply, and irrigation. Stratification and water movement in those reservoirs is affected by variability in heat fluxes through the lake surface, in addition to chemical and biological processes. The resulting internal hydrodynamics is important in understanding the lake’s physical, chemical, and biological structure. This paper presents a hydrodynamic model which reproduces water movement in lakes caused by solar radiation and wind kinetic energy. Also, the lake stratification and thermocline variation (temperature gradient and depth) will be studied, correlated with exploitation conditions. The model was calibrated with data from 2008...2011 in the Goleşti Lake, which has a 55 million m³ volume and a maximum depth of 32 m. The developed model is a global one, based on regional climatology and lake morphology. Another aspect of this study is to identify the benefits of durable exploitation of lake on diminishing eutrophication phenomenon which is currently affecting Goleşti Lake.
Key Words:
reservoirs; thermocline; stratification; eutrophication.
Author(s) Information
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