Bioclimatic Architecture, a Sensible and Logical Approach towards the Future of Building Development
Tomme: LIX (LXIII) Fascicle: 6 | 2013
Pages: 109-118
Abstract text:
The modern world building scene tends to depend more and more on the economical climate as well as the geographical climate itself, as none of the major players in the construction game can afford to ignore current conditions and dismiss logical solutions that can drastically cut the impact on the environment as well as the exploitation costs. The present paper will provide the information needed to understand the bioclimatic architecture concept, as well as describe a few examples of such approaches noted by modern architecture and inspired by vernacular manifestations that occur in different parts of the world. Different by shape but practically identical in the way they function, these buildings help us to understand the logic and wisdom of the place they were born in. If nothing more, alternatives must be taken into consideration by the power of example, as the erratic and mostly intrusive conventional building rhythm cannot be the one we guide our future by. Taking care of the environment and listening to what it has to say will eventually result in the environment taking care of you and providing a comfortable sustainable and energy efficient living environment.
Key Words:
bioclimatic architecture; sustainable building; energy efficient building.
Author(s) Information
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